Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Summer Time Social

They are one day away from finishing up with their final exams.
We are having a school celebration this Friday the 27th from 15:00-17:00

I think they'll be pretty beat after this week but it would be quite cool for them to hangout 
all together at their last school social of the year and their primary school journey.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Exam Prep and some Afrikaans Sport Mondelings

A bit of a mash up of Afrikaans Mondelings and exam prep in full swing.


Miguel convinced that my slops are just the right size for him.

One individual who doesn't recieve enough credit for the hours of dedication. The wonderful Mrs Botha

The Lady with all the magic.

We take exams quite seriously,

But not thaaaaaaaat serious enough.